No Pants Subway Ride 2012

9:16 AM

It's that time again, 11th annual No Pants Subway Ride 2012. However, this year was a little different. My friend Lisa came to visit me from Phoenix, Arizona and she had absolutely no idea that she was arriving on the same day that the No Pants Subway Ride was taking place. I purposely planned a late lunch with her and took the same subway routes that I knew that pantless people would be on. Usually, I am involved as a pantless participant, you can see my blog post from it last year here. However, this year was quite fun being on the spectator's side of things. I recorded Lisa's reaction and you have to watch the video for yourself. Let me just warn you, my friend is pretty bold and has absolutely no filter when she talks....which I love about her. She's the type that says exactly what's on her mind or what's on other people's minds but who do not have the guts to say it. So with that in mind, go watch the video below.

Click here to watch video.

See ya on my next blog post!

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