My DIY Shoe Rack

12:33 PM

My DIY Shoe Rack

I love my customized shoe rack that Tricky and his brother Mikey helped me make. Living in New York, apartments are known for being small and not having enough closet space. So you really have to be crafty on your storage space. You have to utilize wall space and build up. Generally, people would put them in the closet: on the floor beneath the clothes or top shelf. Or sometimes even invest in furniture, cubby holes, etc to store shoes which just takes up valuable floor space. Either case, shoes take up so much space! I love my shoes, but hate how cumbersome it can be when I don't have enough space for them. It was a love hate relationship that I have had with them for quite a while...up until now. wasn't until one day I was Skyping with my dear friend Lisa and she noticed my shoe rack in the background that she wanted to know more about it. I posted a picture of Lisa and I Skyping on my Facebook and it stirred up questions about my shoe rack in the background and people wanting to know where I bought it. lol No, I didn't buy it. It was custom made. My initial inspiration came from Pinterest (oh how I love Pinterest, but how it sucks up a lot of my time from browsing. But that's a whole 'nother story lol). After a few requests to make a tutorial video on how this was made, I will be uploading one shortly on the process of the making. But in the meantime, here's a little sneak peek of some pictures of the building process. 

Tricky picked up some wood from Home Depot, took some measurements based on the width and height of our bedroom wall. 

Mikey cutting the wood based off Tricky's measurements.

 Painted the wood with some leftover paint that we already had. 

After a few nails and screws in the wall...VOILA! 

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